Project Description

The Sustainavision in collaboration with the Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) hosted for the for the second time in Tokyo, Japan   its global Training Program “Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner” on 12 & 13 September 2012. Participants included managers from global Japanese organizations and institutions including Calbee, Hitachi Systems, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu have joined the training. Guest Speaker on this event was visiting Prof.
Makoto Teranaka from Tokyo Keizai University a well known speaker on Human Rights. At present, more than 350 Sustainability Practitioners from 5 continents and over 30 countries have received this qualification and as a result, career progression. CSE’s Sustainability Practitioners are making a substantial difference in implementing sustainability to enhance financial and non-financial performances of organizations such as the World Business for Sustainable Development, Lloyds Banking Group, Eurobank EFG, Oracle , Mercedes Benz, Shell, Sara Lee, NV Bekaert, Baker Hughes, ZAIN, Whole Foods, North Face, Vanity Fair, Entrepreneur.