Assistant Professor in CR/Sustainability at Business Breakthrough University
Japan Foundation London CSR Seminar Series 2011/2012 Project Adviser
He is a Founder and Managing Director at Sustainavision Ltd, a London based CR/Sustainability consulting firm, supporting the development and promotion of sustainable thinking. Currently he is trying to bridge the gap between Europe and Japan in CR/Sustainability field, and to have CR/Sustainability trainings and seminars mainly in Japan, occasionally in the UK and in other European countries.
He works closely with the UN Global Compact Network Japan, and with other business organisations and partners in Japan and Europe to build networks of organisations. He is experienced in providing CR and Sustainability consulting services and in facilitating dialogue within and among Japanese businesses.
Since 2012, he has been delivering IEMA (Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment)-approved Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training in Japan. He has been delivering business and human rights training to Japanese businesses since 2014. Prior to his current position, he spent 16 years in various roles at Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd.
Takeshi has an MBA from the University of Lancaster and an MSc in Environmental Assessment and Management from the University of East Anglia. He is also an Assistant Professor in Sustainability/CR at Business Breakthrough University (Japan).