Centre for Sustainability and Excellence

CSE is a leading boutique firm specialized in global sustainability (CSR) consulting, coaching and training. CSE has trained more than 5,000 professionals from all industry sectors globally. CSE is an IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment) approved training provider and is a provider of a full range of workshops and training courses in the area of CSR and Sustainable Development, in particular targeting the managerial level of large multinational business entities. Sustainavision Ltd is the strategic partner of CSE and has been appointed by CSE to deliver the IEMA approved Certified Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner Training in Japan since 2012.



Alterna Corporation is the company which publishes “Alterna magazine, the Social Business magazine”, which is the only Japanese business magazine focused on environmental issues and CSR (corporate social responsibility). Alterna has also issued “Alterna Online”, “Alterna S (for young people as an Ethical media), CSR monthly (Newsletter for CSR executives and CSR practitioners). The Article “The front line in European CSR” have been serialized in Alterna magazine and CSR Monthly.

TCO2 Co.,Ltd.

TCO2 provides services, such as the Planning, development and sale of carbon offset, and the planning, development and sales of Environmental impact cost calculation tool. Sustainavision has asked carbon offset of IEMA Approved Certified Sustainability (CSR) practitioner training in Japan.

Brain Center Inc.

Brain Center Inc. is the Corporation which understands the various issues faced by Japanese companies, and support their growth and success in the global market through its communication services. It has accumulated expertise and skills in all areas of corporate communications, and has a system to provide them to its clients. It has also proposed “multi-stakeholder relations” which aims to build better relationships with various stakeholders around the company, and has been providing consistent services from consulting to media content development. Its services has a high reputation especially for “CI・corporate branding” and “Environment・CSR・public relations”.

Infinito Labo

Infinito Labo is the producer and consulting company which support and advise sustainable-oriented Companies and organizations and local communities to solve social issues and business challenges, through new business creation, product development and branding.